Trying out my new trussing needle. This is MUCH easier than tying!
The Ant and the Grasshopper
In the mid 19th century, as mechanical milking of dairy cows became a thing, veal was much cheaper and more widely available than chicken. Thus was born the “veal bird” or “city chicken”, a recipe designed to simulate poultry. One of my favorite dishes as a boy, I make this recipe semi-frequently, though I usually make “pork birds”. Today, for the first time, I brought it full circle and used chicken breast, thus making the amusingly-named “chicken birds”.
The march of progress in data capacity continues ever onward. I needed to recover some old content from one of these 500GB drives this evening; they are obsolete and have been offline for over a year because of 8TB of online storage in the basement. But I still remember spending $700 for my first hard disk in college (40 MB!). And I still remember an old co-worker exclaiming, “I bought a gig!” meaning a 1GB disk. Today, I hardly ever delete anything.