My green plate was deemed “too faded” at inspection this year, so today I had to trade it in for the modern red white & blue plates. I’ve had this one since my first car in 1991 so I’m sad to see it go.
Roosevelt Island
Cherry Blossom
Kind of Blue
Tunneled cat
Back to work
It’s been a while
It’s been a while since I disassembled a failed hard disk. I take them apart (and destroy the platters) to prevent anyone from recovering my data, and also to harvest the two super-strong magnets held inside (upper left in this photo). This particular 2TB drive had a “spinning time” of 7+ years and was still working, but the OS noted a quickly-increasing amount of read errors. Not much has changed since the last time I did this: you still get the pretty shiny platters and a couple precision aluminum rings to separate them, the lightweight head-arm assembly, the aforementioned magnets, and a metric assload of stainless steel screws. I’d never seen the blade-like things at bottom left (slotted between the platters, presumably for airflow management or heat extraction).