Porch time The past couple days have been quite hot even on the island, but the evenings have been cool enough to hang out on the porch,
Island Formal Dressing for dinner on the island for me means putting on a clean pair of shorts and a colorful shirt. Bonus: photogenic visitor to the garden in front of the house
Lazy I didn’t do much Sunday: progress on family photos, progress on book, and a few games of Carcassonne.
Soup On our first day on the Vineyard this year, I had soup for lunch. Better pictures later when we get somewhere with better WiFi.
Bell buoy Bonus post from Thursday, now that I’m on reliable WiFi. This shot is only exciting to those of you who have traveled to your vacation by boat.
Book of Mormon We saw Book of Mormon at the Boston Opera House tonight, courtesy of my company, for my 10-year anniversary gift. Scary to think I’ve been at my “new” job for 10 years.
I never knew you cared The title of the episode is “Sweet Dough”. Seeing it cut off like this was a little startling.