Adaptive reuse

I have my grandmother’s ca. 1975 table radio. Because of its size and wood cabinet it’s got a good, resonant sound but we’ve never used it because it’s just another radio. So I installed a Bluetooth receiver board into it. The little red circuit board on the right replaces all the discrete electronics you see inside the case.

That little board combines a Bluetooth receiver and Class D stereo amplifiers, powered by a wall wart I already had. The only active piece I reused was the speaker, though I have a dual-voice-coil stereo replacement on order. The switch mounted through the back (switching the speaker) will allow me to switch back to the radio if desired.


We ordered some Impossible burger meat with our Imperfect Foods order this week. Tonight we did a side-by-side taste test of tiny little 2oz burgers vs. our excellent CSA pasture-raised beef.

My verdict: if you told me this burger was some non-beef meat I’d believe it. It’s definitely not beef, and not as good as the good CSA stuff, but passable. In a more highly-seasoned application I might not even notice.