January 27

I got one of the good parking spaces today.  We have 6 assigned spaces on the first floor of the garage.  If I’m early enough, I get one; if not, I get to drive up to the 3rd or 4th floors.  Not a big deal, but helpful at the end of a day as action-packed as today was for me.


January 26

On the weekend’s ski trip I had some photographic equipment difficulty.  It seems my 10-year-old Nikon Coolpix 950 creates an out-of-spec filesystem on something as large as a 512M memory card.  It’s perfectly happy to use it, but the card can’t be read on Linux or Mac OSX.  I have no idea where the (RS-232!) cable is for this camera, so I’m fortunate that my Windows PC at work was able to read the card (but not without some grousing).  Anyway, the pics are recovered, and you can see an example in January 24’s (revised) entry.

January 25

Yesterday, skiing at Jay Peak was not for the faint of heart… very cold, very windy.  Wind chills well below 0.  Today felt like a gift: still cold (high maybe 10 F), still windy (at least on the lifts above the trees & at the summit), but muuch better than yesterday.  Fine light snow sifted down all day freshening trails as it came.  We were especially happy since Sunday was predicted to be the colder of the two days; and this prediction kept a lot of people away.  Today’s entry is Chris’s commentary on this turn of events.

January 24

We had an awesome day skiing, despite the massive cold — below 10 F all day — and wind.  Here is an example of the conditions we had to put up with 🙂

Yes, this is not the picture that was up here earlier for today.  See January 26’s entry for details.

January 22

Something about today — the warmer temperatures, the sun making an appearance, or perhaps increasing desparation — really brought out the birds around our feeders.  We were not here to see it, but the evidence speaks for itself.

January 20

OK, so I missed the opportunity to take the same picture as seemingly everybody else who’s doing Project 365, namely the conference room full of coworkers watching the streaming video of President Obama’s inauguration.  I simply forgot to bring my camera with me.  Instead I took a shot of him from CNN’s web page when I got back to my desk:

January 19

OK.  This is getting ridiculous.  I fear for our ability to get into the house if we get another storm like this one.


At least with the snowblower I could deposit all this snow into the back yard; the plow service can’t actually throw snow (well, not without achieving unreasonable speeds on our driveway).

January 18

Perhaps honoring our friend Jason’s visit from North Carolina this weekend, this morning a Carolina wren visited our suet feeder, then took shelter in this hollow of snow before departing.
This tiny bird lives somewhere near our house, scolding us or our cats through the window on a semi-regular basis.