April 25

Greg helped me move a couple of things today: our fishtank to his house for boarding of our fish until we’re settled in the new house, and our electric dryer to our friend Kris, who bought it.
It’s good to have a friend with a pickup truck who knows how to use it.  Thanks Greg!

April 23

Who needs Radio Shack when you have…
This place has electrical and electronic parts galore.  Of the many things we’ll be closer to in the new house, I am happy about this one.

April 22

I stayed home today to get some paperwork and phone calls done.  The weather was too nice for me to sit in the office, so I set up a temporary office on the porch.
Parker did not budge from his spot on that couch all day.

April 19

We did quite a  bit of packing today.  But we did take a break to go take a walk in the nice weather, and there were periwinkles!
These little flowers always surprise me by how early they bloom.

April 18

OK, I know we’re only here for another 2 weeks, but we were having our last Southboro gathering, and I couldn’t take it anymore… I moved the beer fridge back upstairs.
Parker seems unimpressed.