Stair project, almost done. Here we have the final coat of all the colors. What remains is some finishing touches.
August 20
Stair project, day 4: all the missing cove moulding has been replaced, all the blue border has been painted, and we’ve put down an example of the final tan color for the center of the faux runner. All in all a pretty tiring evening.
And yes, that’s a footprint on the bottom tread — the paint was dry to the touch but still tacky enough in all this humidity to grab onto dirt on both Lis’s and my feet. It needs a second coat anyway.
August 19
August 18
August 17
We are back from vacation. The new oak floor looks marvelous. The stairs.. not so much. It turns out their materials and condition are not conducive to staining and clear-finish. After brainstorming with Jen, our interior-designer friend, we have decided to do a faux runner on the main stairs. The next few days of posts will feature a mini-theme following its progress.
Here we’ve patched & sanded the worst of the defects, and primed one side (leaving the other side clear for walking until it dries).