A bunch of friends joined me on Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor in celebration of my 40th birthday today. We had perfect weather for it, and had a great time. Here Jeff is helping launch Andrea’s kite.
September 18
September 17
September 16
September 15
Over the last decade or so as I’ve grown to appreciate decent wine (damn you Kat!), there are a few discoveries that I’ve made: when in an Italian restaurant order the Chianti Classico when in doubt, never cross wits with a Sicilian when death is on the line, there are great bargains to be had from South America, and Old Vine Zinfandel is really tasty. Tonight I opened a bottle of one of my favorites, to go with good old Chicken and Dumplings:
September 14
September 13
September 12
As mentioned a while back, Lis got herself a new Mac Mini and I’ve repurposed the old one as our house server. This picture is of my computer screen as I migrate MovableType, the blog software we’re using to post these Project 365s — so you are now using the new server to read this entry.
The purpose of the server migration is not so much speed (though the new computer is faster than the old) as it is for power savings. My kill-a-watt claims we’ll save about 60W (running 24/7) once I can retire the old server.
September 11
Lis bought curtains for our bedroom, and we installed them this evening. Besides being more light-blocking than our Venetian blinds, and and insulating in the winter (as it says on the package), I also anticipate them being somewhat sound-insulating, taking the edge off of our morning neighborhood birds.