September 23

I originally bought this french press because I wanted an occasional cup of coffee for the drive to work, and I didn’t want to haul out the big coffeemaker.
Over a year later, I’m still using it for that purpose — not every day, but frequently. I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

September 21

This is my iPod.  Through inattention on my part, it ran out of podcasts on my drive in to work this morning.  This made me sad — I had to listen to radio, and there is no good radio in the mornings in Boston anymore.

September 17

This is our old stove.  It was supposed to be replaced today, but the new one has not shown up at the warehouse yet. 
As a result, I did a stir fry (stir simmer?) on the old stove tonight.  I only had to check 3 times if I had maybe accidentally turned off the burner.

September 15

Over the last decade or so as I’ve grown to appreciate decent wine (damn you Kat!), there are a few discoveries that I’ve made: when in an Italian restaurant order the Chianti Classico when in doubt, never cross wits with a Sicilian when death is on the line, there are great bargains to be had from South America, and Old Vine Zinfandel is really tasty.  Tonight I opened a bottle of one of my favorites, to go with good old Chicken and Dumplings: