November 2

I am going to try a theme this week.  The theme is “hours” — I will take a picture every two hours on sequential days — so today’s is at 7 am, tomorrow’s will be at 9 am, etc., until I have finished the week.

7 am — getting ready to leave
for work.  I have my lunch, my coffee, and my briefcase (into which I’m
putting my netbook), and have grabbed the bag of leftover Halloween candy for the

October 27

Here Parker is playing with a cat toy driven by Rachel, showing his normal quotient of grace & cat-like poise.
Photo note: the color’s a little funny here (even on the big camera) because I pushed all the way to ISO 6400 to get a fast enough shutter to stop the action.

October 25

Lis and I went for a walk down by the river with the Murphy/Elzweig household today.  What a beautiful day for a walk.  All the rain yesterday prompted these mushrooms to do their thing:


Bonus picture: Parker stalking a downy woodpecker

October 24

I made two batches of biscotti today.  I take these to work to have at breakfast — they help keep me out of Dunkin’ Donuts. 

Today’s selections are orange-cranberry (which I’ve made before and are excellent) and hazelnut.