I spent a good part of today putting together a photo book of my 2009 Project 365 entries. While this process is relatively easy, doing it with this many pictures (and this much text) does take quite a while.
Non-ferrous Winnie
Magic green box
This box brings us fresh produce, every other Thursday. It’s from Boston Organics, and I can’t believe I haven’t posted it before now. It’s all the excitement of getting a package, except you get to eat it.
Cat feeding box woes
Those who have been following this blog know that we’ve been having cat-feeding-box issues recently … first Winnie’s door broke so that it was letting either cat in, then Winnie’s replacement door had a stronger internal magnet, allowing Parker’s electronic tag (with a ferrite core in it) to open her new door. We swapped the doors, but Winnie quickly learned that she could now get into Parker’s box. So we ordered a second new cat door (of a different brand), and we now have Magna-Parker and…
Math is hard
Post-movie lounging
We had some friends over for dinner & a movie (Big Man Japan) last night. What you see here is the traditional post-movie checking of IMDB and admiring of a kitty.
The movie was… weird. Especially the end.
New Year’s Day brunch
Welcome to my continuing Project 365 blog for 2010! You’ll note a couple of changes: I’m switching to using an actual title rather than the date, and if I don’t have a good photo for a day, I’m not gonna sweat it — I’ve already proven I can take a photo every day, and you just don’t need to see a meaningless placeholder photo. Oh, and I’m posting larger photos.
Today’s photo is of the spread at our newly-resumed annual New Year’s Day brunch.
December 31
This is it! I made it! 365 photos, one a day, for a year. When I started Project 365, we were beginning to despair of ever selling our house and moving. A year later, we’re just about fully settled into the new house, and are truly happy to live closer to lots of people & things that we care about.
Today’s entry, like my first one, is of snow.
People have asked me what I am going to do now that I have completed Project 365. I like having a daily record of what is on my mind — I have already found myself going back and reviewing the year’s entries. I like that needing to take a picture each day forces me to go and do things I would not otherwise do, and that it means I usually have a camera on me. And I like the connection this Project gives me to those of you who follow it. So my decision is that I will simply keep posting into this same blog — and I hope my friends and family will continue to read it.