This hot dog bun has been sitting on our counter since our July 4 BBQ, in its bag. No sign of mold. I am too scared to look at the ingredient list.
Author: doug
Some people are predisposed to see Jesus in their toast. Me, I’m evidently destined to see Martha’s Vineyard in my food.
Al Fresco
It’s a start
End of an Era
For the past 14 years we have kept a freshwater aquarium. But in our current house, there is no good spot for it: everywhere we’ve tried, sunlight levels cause excessive algae growth. This puts it solidly on the wrong side of the work vs. enjoyment balance. So we made a decision last fall to not replace fish as they died. This week we lost the last 2 fish, and today I am cleaning everything up in preparation for finding it a new home.
Mojito weather
Happy 4th of July
We had a dead tree taken down today. I asked them to leave me a couple of wood cookies, 6″ thick slices of trunk. I’ll make a couple of rustic outdoor tables from them. Currently they’re wet and the larger one weighs more than I do, and they’re bound to split as they dry. But I think they’ll make nice outdoor tables.
Bonus picture: the trunk these came from.