
Chipmunks had dug a tunnel under our brick patio, causing it to collapse where they left bricks unsupported. This morning’s project: lift some bricks and fill in the voids with sand. I filled the deeper tunnel to their actual burrow (at bottom left) with mortar; I hope they get the message.


Meet the new coat

Same as the old coat.

I bought a new winter coat today (on the left). Although it looks very similar to the old, it’s a different brand and has technical features that will make it superior for skiing.  My ski buddies will be happy to not have to get used to a new look for me.



The kitties have discovered this cookbook that has been with my mom for the last 30 years. Just before this, Ferrous was trying to climb the bookcase so I got it down for him. I can’t imagine it still smells like the dog who died in 1993. Maybe there’s a good recipe for tuna juice in there.

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