
Zucchini cut up to substitute for lasagna noodles. Yes, it’s the wrong weather for lasagna but tonight is my night this week to cook something Lis won’t eat.


And yes, I cut them to length to fit into my tiny little baking dish, why do you ask?


Bolstered by my success in repairing the tablet a few months ago (however short-lived it wound up being), tonight I replaced the battery in my phone since, at 2 years old, it was starting to not last me a whole day.  The operation was a success, so we’ll see how much of an improvement it brings. That’s the old battery on the mat to the right.



I went to my 25th Tufts reunion this evening and didn’t see a soul that I knew who I am not already still in touch with. Oh well, now I know. I did, however, see some sights on campus, including that The Rez (coffee house in the Campus Center) is still there. (Actually, I’m told it left and came back, but I am willing to suspend disbelief).



I have posted a photo of our moose lantern before. But one of the reasons I bought a new camera is better low-light capability, and I had some fun playing around with light this evening.


New camera

Today I bought a new “big-boy” camera (a Nikon D500) to replace/supplement my old one (D300), which at 8 years old has been surpassed technologically in a number of areas.  Therefore, today I must post the obligatory cat photo taken with the new camera.


For my photographer friends: this a JPEG straight out of camera with no edits, taken at ISO 5600. Click through (and click on the photo) to see the full-size image. The lack of noise at this ISO is most gratifying.