
Bob and Kat and I went out to beers/dinner in the seaport on this absolutely stunning early summer evening.

2016-06-16 20.07.16

Bonus photo: The restaurant (Row 34) serves both the correct and sacrilegious versions of lobster roll. I will leave it to the comment section to discuss which is which.

2016-06-16 18.10.14

System update

Ah, the joys of a new device. This is the 2nd system update for my new tablet in as many days. It wanted an update fresh out of the box and it’s just coincidence that a new version was released the day after I got the tablet; I don’t expect this pace to continue.


Pining for the fjords

I bought myself a small tablet — primarily for reading — and chose a cover with maps on it rather than a boring plain color. I choose to believe that it represents an alternative reality in which Finland (and Belgium and the Netherlands) are missing and the rest of Europe misshapen, rather than incompetent mapmakers who don’t give a shit.


One last shot

I am selling my “wildlife” lens, my 80-400mm bazooka that I bought for our Yellowstone trip in 2004 and have gotten quite a bit of use out of over the years. This lens was introduced in 2000 — before the modern digital era — and both its autofocus speed and sharpness are no match for my new camera. Here is one last photo with this lens, a mourning dove at the feeder on this dim, cloudy day.


I’m sure I will buy a new wildlife lens someday, but probably not until we have scheduled another trip.

Beer foamy

I went to the BeerAdvocate Microbrew Invitational in Boston today. This is the Obstinate Goat American Strong Ale from Neighborhood Beer Co. from Exeter, NH.  I got the second glass from this keg, so it was super foamy. And yes, that’s Kat in the background (it’s hard to get subject isolation with a cellphone camera).

2016-06-04 14.28.01