One last shot

I am selling my “wildlife” lens, my 80-400mm bazooka that I bought for our Yellowstone trip in 2004 and have gotten quite a bit of use out of over the years. This lens was introduced in 2000 — before the modern digital era — and both its autofocus speed and sharpness are no match for my new camera. Here is one last photo with this lens, a mourning dove at the feeder on this dim, cloudy day.


I’m sure I will buy a new wildlife lens someday, but probably not until we have scheduled another trip.

Beer foamy

I went to the BeerAdvocate Microbrew Invitational in Boston today. This is the Obstinate Goat American Strong Ale from Neighborhood Beer Co. from Exeter, NH.  I got the second glass from this keg, so it was super foamy. And yes, that’s Kat in the background (it’s hard to get subject isolation with a cellphone camera).

2016-06-04 14.28.01

File cabinet

This file cabinet was my dad’s — containing important genealogy papers — and was too ugly to bring into the house. It was originally government surplus, 1950’s era, army green in color. I applied some leather-look contact paper and it is now actually somewhat handsome. If you look closely you can see some bubbles and seams, but some judiciously-applied magnets or stickers will take care of that. Now all I need is to find someone to help me carry it up the stairs: it’s super heavy (as I said, 1950’s government surplus).


Another Cat Photo

The new camera is proving incredibly adept in an area that I was hoping for: available-light photography. These photos (bonus second photo tonight; Facebook friends click-through to see) were taken on our porch in typical evening conditions. Is there noise? Sure. Does it capture the mood? You bet it does.

DL5_0153 DL5_0158

Photo buffs: These are ISO 7200 for Gandalf and 32000 (thirty-two thousand, not a typo) for Ferrous.