
Dryer drive belts are supposed to be continuous, without the kind of break you see here. I have to say I’m surprised the belt that makes the whole drum go around is only 1/4″ wide, but I guess that’s what keeps the repairmen in business. No such luck for them here, though: the new belt should arrive Thursday and I’ll install it myself.



We are considering some changes to our living room, to make it more library-like. Today I rearranged the existing furniture as an experiment. The idea is that we would replace the one bookcase you see on the left with an entire wall of built-in bookcases with an embedded writing desk, and replace the old dilapidated sofa with a new small sofa or large loveseat.


West Newton

I attended a presentation this evening on some modernization being planned for the roads through West Newton Square. The most surprising finding they presented is that reducing the number of through travel lanes from 2 to 1 throughout would have little to no impact on traffic, leaving a ton of extra room for bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and more parking. But for me, the most highly anticipated change is fixing the intersection pictured here. I’m including a Google Maps screenshot of the current conditions for your reference (FB folks, click through for whichever did not get shown with my post).




We had a bit of a whiskey tasting on Sunday.


The bottle in the middle is not whiskey but Malort, courtesy of Steve. It is quite an acquired taste — bitter like strong dandelion greens —  but I kinda liked it so he left me the bottle.