Farewell, Quincy

Today was my last day at my desk of the last seven or so years. I will miss the view — both from my desk (of downtown Quincy Center) and from our big conference room (of Boston Harbor and Hull). But our new office is in downtown Boston and I’m excited for the brand-new-construction office space (my first in 25 years), for the bustling, happening location (downtown Boston, estimated 400 restaurants within a 1 mile radius), and especially for the hour+ of commute time per day I will regain.


These are coasters I collected at yesterday’s beer fest. Now I can go through the house and discard warped and stained coasters from years past. And to certain of my friends I will note: not a one of these wound up in my jacket lining.


I bought some mason jar lanterns, solar-rechargeable, LED strings inside. Pretty cool. Mason jars not actually included just means I could use up some random empty pickle/salsa jars from the pantry.