Superb Owl

There was some sort of televised sporting contest this evening that meant (a) the friends I was skiing with congregated to observe (leaving me on my own for dinner), and (b) the streets of picturesque downtown Stowe VT were deserted — including, alas, all three restaurants I had been considering eating at. I wound up at my hotel’s restaurant where I had a good (if television-noise-encroached) dinner at the bar.

Sampler board

Restaurants love to serve an order on a board because it feels festive, it’s easy to share, and the customers can pick & choose their variety of tastes for each bite. I made this at home from some leftovers for all the same reasons, only I can really load up on the good stuff and (since Lis is out this evening) I don’t need to share it with anybody.

And so it begins

My current project, bound to last months, is digitization of old family artifacts. First up is some 150-year-old photos. This one looks like a plain mirror if you look at it casually, but the equipment in my previous post brings out some amazing detail considering that the original is less than 2″ square (and is at least 150 years old). Sadly, we’re not sure who this person was, but probably an ancestor or at least a cousin.


I had already bought a photo copy stand to help with digitizing the old family photos from my mom’s apartment. But when we unearthed a box of tintypes, I knew I had to step up my lighting game. That’s 2 off-camera flash heads, plus a lamp to give me enough light to focus by. These all have polarizer gel over them; the polarizing filter on the lens then blocks just about all unwanted reflections.