Last ride

I think today was probably my last bike-involved commute of the season, since we change the clocks this weekend and it’s supposed to rain the rest of the week. Maybe by next fall the city will have paved my route and I won’t fear falling into a hole in the dark.


At a craft fair last weekend, I bought a roll of reusable “paperless towels”: pieces of recycled flannel bedsheet cut and finished to about the size of a paper towel, then rolled onto a cardboard tube. After a week of use I’m very happy — they’re sturdier and more absorbent than paper towels, and go through the wash just fine. The real genius here is rolling them into that familiar form factor — and, being flannel, they stick to themselves and stay on the roll. I got a set of 16 mis-matched towels. It seemed fitting to make a holder for them from leftover scraps of wood from the workshop.

Dead pool

The building I work in sent my company this lovely orchid for, I dunno, continuing to pay rent or something? Considering how dry it gets in the office especially in the winter, my coworkers are placing bets on how long it lasts. Yes, we’ve started a dead pool for a plant.