In the bottom of a jug of maple syrup there are often a few maple sugar crystals. This jug was particularly impressive.
Author: doug
End of an era
The Staub 4-qt enameled cast iron dutch oven is on ridiculous sale right now — about 1/3 of normal retail. I suspect it’s either overstocked or about to be replaced with a newer design since it’s about the same price everywhere. But there’s nothing wrong with the old model so I could not resist picking one up to complement our larger Le Creuset. Here I’m breaking it in, making a pot of long-simmering beef/lamb ragù.
Happy Birthday
Bears vs. Babies
Whole duck was super cheap at the store today, so I bought one. This is the fattiest duck I have ever cut up — it yielded 2.5 lbs of cuts for the freezer, 1.5 lbs of carcass for the stock pot, and over 2 lbs of fat and extra skin. Rendered, the fat produced over 3 cups of clarified duck fat and about half a cup of cracklings.
On Time
Hail Hydra
Ferrous close-up
I was playing around with the new camera today, making sure certain things work as I expect. This was a throwaway shot of Ferrous, but he’s just so darn adorable I had to post it.
This was a test of my 3rd-party 1.4x teleconverter, on my 300mm lens (f/6.3, 1/320th/sec, ISO 4500). Works fine, nothing objectionable in the image quality.