
A charcoal chimney needs to have holes in it to function properly. Over time, though, it can develop Additional Holes which are not helpful. And when you start to think it might be wise to renew your tetanus booster after using it, it might be wise to invest in a new charcoal chimney.

Kudos to Weber for the one screw that can be removed to take off the plastic handle, then the rest of it is recyclable metal.

Motif Number 1

I told myself, as we went to spend a few days in Rockport, “I am not going to take a photo of Motif Number 1. It’s overdone.” But: the light was perfect, water was like a mirror, and the boats in the marina seemed to be facing it with reverence. What could I do? So here is my photo of “the most-often painted building in America.”

The Haul

Here is the swag I chose for my 15th work anniversary: tabletop wood-pellet smoker, Japanese-style (though German made) vegetable knife (nakiri), pizza peel, and a cheap but cute Bluetooth speaker. Not shown: a new electric power washer, replacing the broken old one.