I commuted by train today. Despite this being a quite minor storm, the Red Line still had problems; thus I spent a total of 5 hours commuting today.
Author: doug
February 2
Groundhog day! I did not see my shadow today… in fact, there was ocean-effect fog & clouds on the south shore this morning as I approached Quincy. And despite the lengthening days, it was dark already as I left work. After a long day, I am glad to see the following sight:
February 1
Well, I made it one whole month with Project 365! I can’t say every picture is as interesting or as artistic as I might have hoped, but each day has a photo taken on that day. Let’s see if I can keep it up.
Today’s photo is about house-hunting. Some houses deserve to have stone lions along the walkway. They are grand homes, the type of country place where you’d visit a wealthy uncle for a week and have your own room with a fireplace, and the staff would wake you at 10 for breakfast.
The house where we saw this lion (and its partner) was not such a house. It is a nice house, lovingly modified and decorated by someone whose priorities are quite different from our own. But it does not deserve a lion.
January 31
January 30
January 29
January 28
January 27
January 26
On the weekend’s ski trip I had some photographic equipment difficulty. It seems my 10-year-old Nikon Coolpix 950 creates an out-of-spec filesystem on something as large as a 512M memory card. It’s perfectly happy to use it, but the card can’t be read on Linux or Mac OSX. I have no idea where the (RS-232!) cable is for this camera, so I’m fortunate that my Windows PC at work was able to read the card (but not without some grousing). Anyway, the pics are recovered, and you can see an example in January 24’s (revised) entry.
January 25
Yesterday, skiing at Jay Peak was not for the faint of heart… very cold, very windy. Wind chills well below 0. Today felt like a gift: still cold (high maybe 10 F), still windy (at least on the lifts above the trees & at the summit), but muuch better than yesterday. Fine light snow sifted down all day freshening trails as it came. We were especially happy since Sunday was predicted to be the colder of the two days; and this prediction kept a lot of people away. Today’s entry is Chris’s commentary on this turn of events.