The server is now safely installed in our friend Michael’s basement until after our move.
Author: doug
April 15
April 14
April 13
April 12
Siberian squill are similar to snowdrops — probably some relative — but bloom somehwat later. If you zoom in on this picture you can also (barely) see that their pollen is blue too!
Their seed pods are evidently attractive to animals, because they’re appearing in a lot of places we never planted them.
April 11
April 10
When we started to show the house, we were amazed at how well this stuff worked to calm down our kitties, especially Winnie.
It is a synthetic version of the pheromone that cats produce from their facial scent glands — the ones they use to mark stuff that they like. So this scent makes them feel at ease, which they will definitely need in the new house. Our sellers have agreed to set these up for us before we move in. With luck, this will make their transition to their new home easier.