April 19

We did quite a  bit of packing today.  But we did take a break to go take a walk in the nice weather, and there were periwinkles!
These little flowers always surprise me by how early they bloom.

April 18

OK, I know we’re only here for another 2 weeks, but we were having our last Southboro gathering, and I couldn’t take it anymore… I moved the beer fridge back upstairs.
Parker seems unimpressed.

April 17

We are going through a fair bit of bubble wrap.  We used it for the smaller framed photos and some of the more fragile computer equipment, as well as much of the contents of Lis’s doll house.

But now I have Peter Gabriel’s Steam stuck in my head much of the time.

April 15

This photo didn’t come out as well as I had hoped.  Should have used the big camera.
What we’re looking at is the blue flame & glowing red element of the broiler, browning tonight’s dinner, shepard’s pie.  It was much more colorful & impressive in person.

April 12

Siberian squill are similar to snowdrops — probably some relative — but bloom somehwat later.  If you zoom in on this picture you can also (barely) see that their pollen is blue too!
Their seed pods are evidently attractive to animals, because they’re appearing in a lot of places we never planted them.

April 10

When we started to show the house, we were amazed at how well this stuff worked to calm down our kitties, especially Winnie.
It is a synthetic version of the pheromone that cats produce from their facial scent glands — the ones they use to mark stuff that they like.  So this scent makes them feel at ease, which they will definitely need in the new house.  Our sellers have agreed to set these up for us before we move in.  With luck, this will make their transition to their new home easier.