August 17

We are back from vacation.  The new oak floor looks marvelous.  The stairs.. not so much.  It turns out their materials and condition are not conducive to staining and clear-finish.  After brainstorming with Jen, our interior-designer friend, we have decided to do a faux runner on the main stairs.  The next few days of posts will feature a mini-theme following its progress. 
Here we’ve patched & sanded the worst of the defects, and primed one side (leaving the other side clear for walking until it dries).

August 15

Ahh, Saturday on the Vineyard… the day of our traditional eat-at-home lobster dinner.  We do this on Saturday to avoid the restaurant crowds.
This year’s feast was especially yummy because of farmer’s market goodies picked out by Lis and Rachel.

August 11

Kat, Chris, Marie, and I went for a bike ride this morning down to Vineyard Haven.  While Chris could have picked a shadier spot to have a tire blowout, there at least was a decent view to admire while he changed the inner tube.

August 9

This is the inside of Lis’s garage door opener.  You’ll note the fine white nylon powder all over everything, and the almost-toothless main drive gear that the powder used to be. 
Fortunately, parts are still available for this model, so I’ll be able to repair it after the Vineyard.

August 8

I took apart and reglazed one of the bedroom windows today, so that the glazing compound can cure while we’re gone and I can paint it upon our return.  Imagine my surprise when I lifted the shade and saw what I at first thought was a hummingbird affixed to the outside of the screen.
This is some sort of sphinx moth, probably either a five-spotted hawkmoth or a Carolina sphinx.  These species spend their caterpillar lives as a tomato or tobacco hornworms, respectively, and as such are big crop pests.  But it was cool to see this very cooperative adult moth up close.