August 27

Tonight’s dinner called for both of the following items.  Fish sauce is one of those ingredients that sounds like it can’t possibly be good… and then you smell it and have no desire to have anything to do with it.  But it does, in fact, taste good — even Lis’s sensitive palate would agree. 
In our house the Vietnamese hot sauce, however, is mine alone to enjoy.

August 25

Tonight’s dinner was a specialty of the house, which we refer to as Doug-fried chicken.  The pieces are coated simply in a flour mixture, pan-browned in a little oil, then finished in the oven.  Sometimes it’s the simplest foods that are tastiest.

August 23

The first flight of stairs is done, and that was the easy part.  The second flight of stairs (to the third floor) not only needs painting, they need repair.  I’ve been taking off some treads to peer inside, and have discovered several old items that have fallen inside.  Here we have a Christmas postcard from 1919, and a price card from Warren School Hairdressing — 50 cents for a facial massage!

August 22

Stair project is done! The bulk of the work today was in doing touch-up on 3 colors and painting the surrounding trim white to bring out the cream of the stairs themselves.  The kitties have been released from their prison, though I don’t think Winnie realizes it yet.

August 20

Stair project, day 4: all the missing cove moulding has been replaced, all the blue border has been painted, and we’ve put down an example of the final tan color for the center of the faux runner.  All in all a pretty tiring evening.

And yes, that’s a footprint on the bottom tread — the paint was dry to the touch but still tacky enough in all this humidity to grab onto dirt on both Lis’s and my feet.  It needs a second coat anyway.

August 19

Stair theme, day 3: most progress tonight was not visible (finalizing the design; picking up & priming cove moulding for replacing missing pieces) but here you can see the beginning of the blue border for the runner.

August 18

Part 2 of the stair project mini-theme:

Here we’ve finished priming, and have painted the base color on the outsides of the treads (again, leaving the middle for walking).  You can also see color chips for the other 2 colors to come later.