December 14

Parker had a small procedure done today to remove a lump on his shoulder.  The vet is pretty sure it’s benign, but we decided to have it removed anyway.  Poor Parker has no idea what just happened; he’s dopey from the pain meds and his shoulder hurts.  At least he can’t see that he’s been shaved.


December 12

I fixed my father in law’s computer today.  He’s running Ubuntu (mostly unbeknownst to him) which makes my life easier in doing remote support.  But Thunderbird managed to get messed up in some way that I couldn’t diagnose over the phone, so I made a housecall.


December 11

I was so annoyed at the smoke detector near the kitchen tonight (“it’s not a a fire, it’s just homemade pizza, you stupid thing!”) that I flung it onto the floor to dislodge its batteries.

Fortunately we have a spare.

December 8

Those of you who have been to our old house in Southboro probably remember the cat step in the office.  I made this step so that our cats could get to the window sill and sniff the world in the good weather, but as it turns out they both liked to just sit on it.

Recently, Parker has taken to occupying our office chairs — if he could sit on both at the same time, I think he would.  This makes it somewhat inconvenient to use the office.  So I reinstalled the step in our new office, hoping he would use it instead.  It sometimes works, as seen here.


More often, though, it’s Winnie who occupies the step, and Parker continues to claim an office chair.