Author: doug
Meat CSA
We picked up our second Chestnut Farms meat CSA share today. No roast this time, but lots of steaks & chops of various descriptions, including a maple-cured ham steak that we’re already salivating over.
Non-ferrous Winnie
Magic green box
This box brings us fresh produce, every other Thursday. It’s from Boston Organics, and I can’t believe I haven’t posted it before now. It’s all the excitement of getting a package, except you get to eat it.
Cat feeding box woes
Those who have been following this blog know that we’ve been having cat-feeding-box issues recently … first Winnie’s door broke so that it was letting either cat in, then Winnie’s replacement door had a stronger internal magnet, allowing Parker’s electronic tag (with a ferrite core in it) to open her new door. We swapped the doors, but Winnie quickly learned that she could now get into Parker’s box. So we ordered a second new cat door (of a different brand), and we now have Magna-Parker and…
Math is hard
Post-movie lounging
We had some friends over for dinner & a movie (Big Man Japan) last night. What you see here is the traditional post-movie checking of IMDB and admiring of a kitty.
The movie was… weird. Especially the end.