
Despite having sat unused for 21 months (we didn’t use it last season because we had a plow service while showing the house), our old snowblower started on the 2nd pull of the rope, and did a great job clearing this weekend’s precipitation.  This is so much easier than at the old house.

New Year’s Day brunch

Welcome to my continuing Project 365 blog for 2010!  You’ll note a couple of changes: I’m switching to using an actual title rather than the date, and if I don’t have a good photo for a day, I’m not gonna sweat it — I’ve already proven I can take a photo every day, and you just don’t need to see a meaningless placeholder photo.  Oh, and I’m posting larger photos.

Today’s photo is of the spread at our newly-resumed annual New Year’s Day brunch.


December 31

This is it!  I made it!  365 photos, one a day, for a year.  When I started Project 365, we were beginning to despair of ever selling our house and moving.  A year later, we’re just about fully settled into the new house, and are truly happy to live closer to lots of people & things that we care about.

Today’s entry, like my first one, is of snow.


People have asked me what I am going to do now that I have completed Project 365. I like having a daily record of what is on my mind — I have already found myself going back and reviewing the year’s entries.  I like that needing to take a picture each day forces me to go and do things I would not otherwise do, and that it means I usually have a camera on me.  And I like the connection this Project gives me to those of you who follow it. So my decision is that I will simply keep posting into this same blog — and I hope my friends and family will continue to read it.

December 30

Jen and Greg came over this evening so I could attempt to recover files from Jen’s MacBook’s failed hard drive.

The “Input/output error during read” is bad enough, but the big “unallocated” where the partitions should be is not a good sign.  There’s still hope that reseating the connectors will regain access, but from the sounds it was making I think it’s likely time for a new drive.

December 29

Parker loves the loft.  We don’t really know why.  He can be quite a pest about it too.  Here he’s waiting impatiently by the door to the Magic Room.


You can also see that he had his stitches out and is healing nicely.  If it were me I’d be picking at it incessantly; thankfully he does not have the same idea.

December 27

Lis video-chats with her niece & brother using the webcam I got her for the holidays.  You can see the tiny camera and its pretty big microphone in front of the Mac.


The video & especially voice quality is much better than the webcam built into my netbook.  And we’ll be able to video-chat when I’m traveling.

December 26

Lis got me a FoodSaver vacuum-sealing appliance for Christmas.  You put food in the little bags and insert the end into the machine, and it sucks out all the air and heat-seals the bag.  You can then freeze food for much longer without it getting freezer burned. 


Here we have duck breasts and legs — super cheap after the holiday — ready to be frozen.