My glasses broke at the bridge Friday morning. I fashioned a temporary repair out of aluminum flashing bent into a tube, filled with Gorilla glue, and darkened with a Sharpie (Lis said “Of course you did”), which got me through the day.
Lis brought home a praying mantis from work today! They found it in the museum, and Lis figured our garden would be a better spot. Here it is guarding our basil plants — maybe it will catch whatever’s been eating them.
We’re getting our floors redone; they got the sanding and first coat done today. When a woodworker says a water-based finish “raises the grain” of a piece of wood, this is what he means: it swells the different components of the wood structure differently, leaving a rough texture.
Hydrangea is a plant that is adapted to grow in sandy soil — that is, tolerates dry conditions fairly well. When hydrangea plants look like this, you know we need rain!