
In previous years I’ve stopped biking to the train station once it gets dark out for my ride home — the primary road that’s most of my route was in awful shape and I feared falling into a pothole and crashing. But that road has been repaved, so I’m trying to extend biking season. I bought a nice little rechargeable headlight — bright enough to see by; I already have a blinking light on my helmet so I’m seen — to make that easier. I tried it out this evening, and so far so good!

Taste test

Thanks to Michael, I have an opportunity to do a taste-test comparison of two scotches: on the right, Balvenie 12-year Doublewood, an old favorite. On the left, Balvenie 15-year sherry-cask. My verdict: while Doublewood remains a favorite, the sherry-cask wins with a bolder, richer flavor.