World’s End

Lis and I went to World’s End reserve today for a walk. This would have been a beautiful spot for the UN (though hard to get to), and it would have been a horrible waste to build a nuclear power plant here. So we’re glad it has instead been preserved for us to visit.



Bonus picture: The wild asters are in full bloom.



I did some electrical work in the garage today, replacing these parts in the process. It’s safe to say they don’t make electrical parts like they used to.  In this case it’s probably a good thing.  The push-button light switch says “PAT APPD FOR” on the back.



We went to Stefan & Emily’s wedding at the Higgins Armory Museum.  Brings back memories.


(And yes, S & E, I’ll upload photos to the wedding photo-sharing site once I’ve gone through them.)

Little orange oranges

My coworker’s orange tree in his office actually bore fruit this year, and he handed out some tiny oranges for us to try. Some tasted them in the office (and declared they were “less sour than battery acid”), and some took them home to their families. I knew immediately what I wanted to do with mine:
