Lis’s mom got me a cheesemaking kit for the holidays. I made my first batch today, mozzarella. You can then go on to make ricotta from the whey, which I did. From 1/2 gallon of milk I got 8 oz of mozzarella balls, about 6 1/2 cups of whey, and a tiny little bit of ricotta — I must have done something wrong for that part. Even I can tell that the whey is a little greenish from the cows’ diet.
Author: doug
Molecular Gastronomy
Lis got me a Molecular Gastronomy kit for Christmas. My first project: tomato sauce & pesto “spaghetti” formed by mixing each with Agar and extruding from a syringe via a silicone hose in an ice bath. It’s served here with actual spaghetti under chicken parmesan.