I’ve had my green plate since 1991 on 3 cars. Will it pass muster for another one? The law is “readable from 60 feet,” which I certainly think it is.
Author: doug
Orange vs. Yellow
What’s missing from this picture of an otherwise delicious-looking breakfast? That’s right, eggs!
I had an allergy test on Thursday, and it turns out that along with cats, dogs, and enough seasonal pollens & molds to last me all year round, I am also mildly allergic to some foods: eggs, milk, soybeans, and cod. I’m not so allergic that I should not eat them, but enough that if I do I increase my allergy load — and so perhaps I should avoid them when I’m subject to a lot of other allergens.
This fellow flew into the tree above our garage this morning as I was leaving for work. By the time I came back with the big camera, he was gone, so all I have is this cell phone shot. He’s small, a bit bigger than a dove (thus my assumption he’s male), and my guess is he’s a sharp-shinned or Cooper’s hawk.
We went car shopping today and have narrowed the field to two vehicles: Volvo V60 and Ford C-Max. The Ford surprised us with what a nice little car it is. The VW Sportwagon was the biggest disappointment; it’s basically unavailable with stickshift in MA due to popularity (go figure), and the automatic is a pretty poor match to the TDI engine.