
As part of the loft project, I’ll be upgrading the window casings to be more in line with the rest of the house.  I’m using a smaller (and therefore less formal) version of the casings and rosettes that are on the first two floors.



The new car has a neato display of your mileage over the last trip. I’ve been doing pretty well on my morning commute recently, especially when I get to work at 7:30 am.  (Linux Outlaws is one of my podcasts.)

2014-05-09 07.31.13.jpg


A bunch of us went to Saloon in Davis to celebrate Duke Ellington’s 115th birthday.  Saloon is a speakeasy, so of course there were cocktails to be had. This one is gin and honey based, and made Greg make The Face.

2014-04-29 19.20.10.jpg