New glasses

This is my first new prescription in something like 8 years. The strength is just a minor adjustment, but the astigmatism angle for my left eye has changed, *and* they’re progressive lenses.  This is going to take some getting used to.

2014-10-07 18.09.54.jpg


I’m migrating my father in law from his old Linux system to an old MacBook from my brother in law. This should reduce my support load.  He has no idea what OS he’s running but can get better support from others if it’s Mac.


And yes, that’s a glass of armagnac. I’m not willing to waste the evening entirely.

Fake books

The Ikea bookcases in the loft have one significant flaw when used to actually hold books: they have a fairly wide faceframe that hides the first book. I cut up some scrap maple to make fake books to occupy this space instead.



Modern LCD screens are more complex at the pixel level than you would expect. This is the pixel structure of our new TV. Each vertical colored stripe is about 0.25 mm wide, and is broken up into quite a few sub-pixels.
