Everything is OK

Some minor tool buried deep within the Windows build of my current work project proclaims the message seen here when it succeeds. I suspect its view is somewhat provincial, but the message is still reassuring when I run across it in the log files. (The rainbow colors is what I get for using my macro lens to take a photo of a computer screen.)



Channel 5 was outside my building today, filming Chronicle segments on the city of Quincy. I was way too busy to go down and have a closer look than this, and besides I didn’t have the duck with me.,


Candi Claus

My holiday beer — a Saison de Noel that I’ll call Candi Claus (for the Belgian candi sugar in the recipe) — was ready for transfer to the secondary fermenter today, so of course I had to have a taste. The strength is about where I wanted it (7.5%) though it may go up a little more. The flavor is already quite good, and should only improve from here. I am hoping for a quick secondary ferment, so I can bottle it in time to be ready for Christmas or at least New Years.
