
This is the smallest coffee bean I’ve ever seen, with a normal-size one (and a paperclip) for comparison.

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This post also marks the first new entry using our new blog software.  The software we’ve been using (MovableType) is being discontinued sometime in 2015, and since we’re migrating to a new Parkercat server anyway, I’m switching us over to WordPress. Note that if you follow me via RSS or bookmark, the URL has changed — click through for the new one.

Polar Caves (1999)

I’ve been going through some old photos while migrating to new gallery software.  I’ll be posting some of these throwback photos intermixed with current-day photos.  Maybe even on Thursdays.

This is Kat, Bob, Lis, Michael, Juj, and me visiting Polar Caves in New Hampshire on a camping trip.

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I took my last commuter rail ride of the season this evening. I’ve been taking the train since June, but I have to drive in to work tomorrow, and I will commute by car until it’s once again light enough to safely bike to & from the train station. Perhaps by next winter I will have come up with a good way to keep using the train year round, but I didn’t want to push it this year.

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