Civic engineering

Yesterday I did my civic duty and gained access to our storm drain in advance of the predicted rain. This morning Lis and I did some civil engineering (otherwise known as chipping & digging) to get it to actually flow properly. Now if only our neighbor would do the same with the area’s fire hydrant.


Grey Day with Kat

We skied with the big cameras today, hoping for some sunny weather. It did not materialize — it was grey day. But we still got some good shots. (Yes, this photo is post-processed to allow only the blue of Kat’s coat. But it really did look like this.)


Bonus photo: Heady Topper is readily available in bars & restaurants.


Novus Sous Vide

I have a new sous vide controller!  This one attaches to any vessel/pot, actually circulates the water, and can be controlled from my phone (including, promised eventually, built-in time/temp schedules for different foods). Very excited.  (The black/yellow thing is the packaging; hard to tell from this photo.)
