One of the delicacies of Jewish cuisine is beef tongue. We were lucky enough to buy a beef tongue from our meat CSA this month, and Lis was very excited to eat it. To me, it tastes like rich brisket.
I ride my bike along the Charles River bike path for fitness. This is a fairly crowded multi-use path, and so I have wanted a bike bell for some time. Today was a nice sunny, warm Saturday, so I rode down to the local bike store to take care of it.
One temporary casualty of the Great Flood of 2010 was the screen on my phone — I had it in my pocket while working outside in a downpour, and it evidently took on some water.
The screen eventually dried out and is fine, though if you look closely you can see some marks where the water was.
Thanks to Greg, we now have a sump pump temporarily installed in the basement. Here’s the outflow — the rain has stopped, but water continues to come in.
Here we see my little condensate pump — designed to pump condensation from central air or from a dehumidifier — putting up what wound up as a losing battle against incoming rainwater. Newton would wind up getting over 9″ of rain over 3 days.
We don’t have cable TV. We get all our TV over the air. MythTV records it all. This weekend I installed the PC that holds our MythTV system into a new case — complete with scrolling text display — that fits into our entertainment unit.