December 21


One of the things I love about the holiday season is egg nog.  I like to spike mine with bourbon — or, in this case, Jameson — and top it with plenty of freshly grated nutmeg & cinnamon.  I also like to mix soy nog in with the commercial stuff, to cut the sweetness and thickness just a bit.


December 19

You may recall a few days ago I complained that Parker had found his way inside Winnie’s food box.  Well, I tried to fix her cat door, but it seems it’s past its useful life and must be replaced.

The good news is that I found a suitable replacement at the local Petco, and the new design seems somewhat more durable.  We do wonder how long he’s been stealing her food.

December 16

This is the inside of Winnie’s food box.  This evening, I found a surprise inside…  Parker!!

(No, he’s not hiding; I took him out before taking the picture so he’d stop eating her food.)  I then had to fix her cat door so he can’t bust through it.

December 14

Parker had a small procedure done today to remove a lump on his shoulder.  The vet is pretty sure it’s benign, but we decided to have it removed anyway.  Poor Parker has no idea what just happened; he’s dopey from the pain meds and his shoulder hurts.  At least he can’t see that he’s been shaved.


December 12

I fixed my father in law’s computer today.  He’s running Ubuntu (mostly unbeknownst to him) which makes my life easier in doing remote support.  But Thunderbird managed to get messed up in some way that I couldn’t diagnose over the phone, so I made a housecall.
