November 17

My Christmas Thanksgiving cactus in my office at work is about to bloom.  I’ll post again later when it has actual flowers.  I brought this plant to the office when we were showing the house, and have kept it there because it’s doing well.


My coworker Margaret is excited about this because she has a Christmas cactus that never bloomed, until I told her the secret — they need to be by a window so they get cool at night.  You can even turn them so non-blooming parts get cool, and then they will bloom in sequence.

November 16

I made a big batch of pea soup tonight for tomorrow’s dinner (and for the freezer).  No pressure-cooker cheating here — this one is still simmering in the oven.

The smaller bowl of peas in back is held back for later because Lis likes a somewhat chunky texture to the finished soup.

November 14

We went out for Juj’s birthday celebration tonight, first to a Chinese restaurant and then to one of those pub/movie theater places in North Attleboro (which Droid pronouces “at lee bro”).

Here Bob shows off his somewhat girly-looking scorpion bowl for 1.

November 13

Lis stayed home from work today to try out some science experiments for work.  One of them involves drying out some unpopped popcorn (in the oven), adding moisture to some, and leaving a 3rd batch as a control.  You then pop them, and observe the differences.

After dinner, we conducted the experiment.  Here we’re watching the dried-out batch (try to) pop.

November 12

Doug has finally given in to pressure and replaced his cell phone.  I was already pretty tempted by the prospect of some of the newer phones, but when my old trusty AT&T Wireless phone (pre-Cingular) started flaking out on me the other night I knew it was time. 


Welcome, Droid, I hope you are a worthy replacement for phone and Palm.