November 29

Lis and I took advantage of the good weather today to do some geocaching near home, the first we’ve done since moving.

While out, we ran across this old, almost completely overgrown, park bench in the woods.  I have no idea why it was allowed to fall into disrepair — without the saplings, the view from this spot would be lovely.


November 28

Today was a day of relaxing and minor chores around the house, like putting up this mesh (brought home by Lis) at the top of our stairs to keep our blind cats from plummeting 2 stories to their deaths. 


We had been using a folded cardboard box for this purpose, but this is (marginally) more attractive.

November 26

Here we have the turkey, center of most tables throughout America today.  I think most home cooks are justifiably proud of their accomplishment — roasting such a large creature is not easy — but I like to think ours was among the better examples.


I am certainly thankful to have the means to host a feast, the skills to pull it off, and the family & friends to share it with.

November 25

I took half a day off today and did as much prep for Thanksgiving tomorrow as I could.  In this picture you can see that the two kinds of stuffing are ready to go, as is the quart of turkey stock (which will itself mostly go into the stuffing).


It’s hard to tell from this, but I went through 5 lbs of apples, most of a head of celery, and 3 lbs of onions today.

November 24

This morning, when workers dropped ropes & cables down the outside of my building, it startled me a bit.  But when they hoisted a platform and started using power tools and what sounded like a dentist’s drill right outside, I was glad for the noise-cancelling headphones. 

2009-11-24 13.34.51.jpg

Photo note: forgot my camera today; this one’s taken with the Droid.  ISO 82, and look at that noise!