October 19

We had an insulation contractor come today and button up a few areas of our house that needed it.  My picture today was going to be of that process … insulation-blowing tubes running all over the place, guys carrying bats of insulation, etc. 

But they also managed to knock into the pipe that feeds water into our house and cause it to spring a leak!  Totally not their fault — it had been “temporarily” repaired previously and was ready to go at any minute.  Fortunately the town came out and was able to do another temporary fix (for free!).  This was really more excitement than I really needed today.
At some point — could be next year, could be 10 years from now — we will need to have the front lawn ripped up and the whole pipe replaced.  But for now I say — thanks Newton Public Works!

October 17

After helping Greg & Jen paint, I went to the BeerAdvocate Belgian beer fest in Boston today with a bunch of people (I feel like they could have come up with a “b” word for “fest”).  It was fun, though I felt it was too crowded & loud to really have a conversation with the brewers, or to get to know any of the beers well.  Still, there were a couple of standouts that will be making an appearance in my beer fridge soon.

October 14

With the approach of dark in the evenings, it was time to do something about lighting automation in the new house.  The paddle on the left controls the outside porch light, and is controllable by the computer for use on a timer.  The keypad in the middle consolidates a lot of controls into one place, but is primarily of use to control 3 floors’ stairway lights from here (and from 2 other similar keypads on the other two floors).