October 27

Here Parker is playing with a cat toy driven by Rachel, showing his normal quotient of grace & cat-like poise.
Photo note: the color’s a little funny here (even on the big camera) because I pushed all the way to ISO 6400 to get a fast enough shutter to stop the action.

October 25

Lis and I went for a walk down by the river with the Murphy/Elzweig household today.  What a beautiful day for a walk.  All the rain yesterday prompted these mushrooms to do their thing:


Bonus picture: Parker stalking a downy woodpecker

October 24

I made two batches of biscotti today.  I take these to work to have at breakfast — they help keep me out of Dunkin’ Donuts. 

Today’s selections are orange-cranberry (which I’ve made before and are excellent) and hazelnut.