September 21

This is my iPod.  Through inattention on my part, it ran out of podcasts on my drive in to work this morning.  This made me sad — I had to listen to radio, and there is no good radio in the mornings in Boston anymore.

4 thoughts on “September 21”

  1. I don’t even understand running out of podcasts. I listen to too many of them for that to ever happen, even if I forget to sync, lol. I think I have 35 Science Fridays waiting for me right now.

  2. Oh believe me, I listen to plenty of podcasts. I had to cut out a bunch when I moved 50% closer to work. I am currently listening to mid-August — I just evidently have not managed to sync since then.

  3. I gave up on NPR (Morning Edition, specifically, which is what’s on during my drive time) when the whole Monica Lewinski thing happened and they just would not talk about anything else.

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