March 31

One quarter of the way through the project, today’s post echoes many of my early posts… it is about one of my favorite subjects: FOOD!
Tonight’s (and tomorrow’s) dinner is baby back ribs, dry-rubbed and grill-smoked.  On a weeknight I don’t really have time to let them turn into real BBQ, but they are tasty nonetheless.

March 30

Lis went and picked up change-of-address forms from the post office today.
We evidently need 5 of them, because in this computerized age the postal service can’t reliably understand that Doug and Douglas are the same person, or that middle initials are generally optional.

March 28

I bought moving supplies today… a cheap hand truck, bubble wrap, and packing paper.

The hand truck in particular will be useful as we go through the storage unit.  This, sadly, will not occur tomorrow as originally planned… it’s supposed to rain all day.

March 26

The packing has only just begun in earnest.  The plan is to use the guest room to stage boxes that are done.
We have already done most of the going-through-and-tossing last summer when we loaded up the storage unit. So this part shouldn’t be so bad — just the usual “Where is <item X>? I must have packed it already.”