February 18

On a fairly regular basis people bring in food and put it in our lunch room.  Not often, though, is it two entire boxes of donuts.  These were courtesy of one of our sales guys.

Boston Kreme is, in my opinion, the One True Donut, though today I chose half a French Cruller.

February 17

We use MythTV to record all of our TV.  One nice thing is that I can stream my TV shows to my desktop PC or even the laptop, meaning I don’t have to be at the TV in order to watch something.  Tonight I was able to chat with people over IM and read my email while I watched This Old House.

February 9

2009, meet 1999.
I took advantage of Circuit City’s going out of business to buy myself a new pocket-sized camera.  It will see use primarily for this very Project 365 (in fact, it did for yesterday’s photo), but I will also use it for travel & social events where the DSLR is a chore.

The venerable old Coolpix 950 has served me well — it went with me to a lot of places, including Africa, and took thousands of shots with very few hiccups.  Its 2 megapixels are more than sufficient for web work, and even 10 years old it takes a fine photograph.  It was state of the art when new.  But by modern standards it is huge, slow, and heavy.

The new camera is much smaller, much snappier, has a very nice screen, and a quite useful 28-280mm (equivalent) zoom range.  I hope it serves me as well as its predecessor.