January 2

On this, the Friday after New Years Day, I did not do a lot… with Lis at work I ran some errands, got some things done around the house, and did some cooking.  Just after Thanksgiving our local Whole Foods had turkey wings on sale for $0.29/lb, which we bought and froze.  I also recently read in On Food and Cooking how certain vegetables (potatoes chief among them) can be induced to develop a “persistent firmness” by a low-temperature pre-cooking step (130-140 F for 20-30 minutes).  So these things, combined with today’s cold & overcast weather, provided a perfect opportunity to make a turkey stew.  And here it is:


Roasted the wings, removed & reserved the good meat, and made stock from the rest. Thickened the stock with a roux, and added potatoes, carrots, and turnip given the firming treatment.  Seasoned with salt, fresh sage, dried thyme, and the garlic cloves from the stock. Added back the reserved meat along with some frozen beans.  When Lis gets home we will dig in!

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