
I have fond memories of my dad using this hinged souffle-style omelet pan when I was a kid. I don’t use it much because it needs 3 eggs, which is more than I usually want. But we had some egg whites leftover from something else so I was able to get enough volume from one real egg.


Go Wide

In preparation for our upcoming trip to Iceland, I bought a camera lens that’s wider-angle than any I’ve owned before. I am not used to shooting with a lens like this, so today I went out for some practice.

The shot of this building that I like the best is 24mm, which is previously as wide as I could go (except for my fisheye lens). Below is the new widest, 14mm, from the same spot.


Dinner guest

I looked out the kitchen window just in time to see a hawk land on our fence. It stuck around for long enough to get a few pictures. We’re pretty sure it’s a Cooper’s hawk. It wasn’t until reviewing the photos that I realized in one, it was looking right at me.

Old Boston

Two icons of a bygone era, both victims of corporate America. The Custom House is now a Marriott, and Durgin-Park was run into the ground and closed in 2019 by corporate ownership that represented only 12 of the 190 years it had been open.